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How to digitise communication processes in times of legal tech and hashtags
Sometimes it feels like we are already living in the future. Social media is booming. Almost everything can now be controlled by smart phone, not even to verify one’s identity when opening a bank account is an in-person appearance required – there’s an app for that! Millions of digital natives and digital immigrants carry small, powerful computers that connect them to anything, anywhere, anytime. Not just that, many clients take the use of mobile devices for granted. So why should lawyers not utilise this concept to benefit their business? After all, for many, legal tech is no longer a foreign concept. Many law firm’s internal organisational processes are digitised today. Digitising the solicitor-client relationships is the next logical step. Properly implemented, this can significantly accelerate the business success of a law firm. #businessacceleration!
Data is, and always has been, a precious commodity. This has been known since long before GDPR. As convenient as it is to exchange documents and information electronically: emails are not secure unless they are elaborately encrypted. Traditional postal methods are not an option due to time limitations. To ensure maximum security at digital communication speed, alternative digital communication solutions are required.
Specifically for this purpose, e.Consult AG has developed a system which can do both: transmit data securely and save documents in a clearly structured digital filing cabinet.Documents are accessed via an interface directly from the law firm’s office software, information is sent to clients and documents can be requested. The clients, in turn, can access files from the device of their choice, with full mobile access.
Easy and quick communication, digital time stamp and readily available overview of case status – that is how the law firm of the future works!
In this day and age, nobody has time for cumbersome paperwork, long phone calls with the solicitor, and the nerve-wracking hunt for a parking space to attend an in-person meeting at the firm. Many client’s expectations are based on a fast-paced, digital world. If you can communicate with friends and family via Whatsapp in minutes, you don’t want to wait around for days or weeks for an important letter from your lawyer. Legal disputes are uncomfortable enough for most lay people, so it is even more crucial to give clients the opportunity to quickly and easily resolve correspondence, document transfer and discussions. Complicated systems are just as unnecessary as the download of apps. Mobile solutions, like e.Consult AG’s offering, allow clients to interact at their desired level. They can log in from all their devices, be that a laptop, smart phone or tablet, and upload data according to requirements via a secure link. No software installation is required, the user interface is accessible through an encrypted connection.
Most solicitors have chosen their career out of interest in the law and not, because they enjoy office administration. Even if the firm has dedicated employees who look after all administrative requirements, efficient and simple processes are worth time and money. If tasks like scanning, copying, using letter templates and so forth are replaced by automated processes, more time can be dedicated to work on the cases. Workflow can be drastically improved through smart IT solutions, which will accelerate your business.
Understanding the digital changes as an opportunity, and utilising intelligent systems to create new processes, allows businesses to focus on their core competencies and impress clients with fast, simple and competent service. All thanks to the digital filing cabinet and individual technological solutions.
Although the general workflow is similar, every law firm has a different set up, works with different office software, and has individual requirements. For those reasons, e.Consult AG does not simply offer a one-fits-all legal tech product, but rather individually designed solutions which take your processes into account thus making it easier for you, your employees and your clients. Access is directly via the office software already in place through an interface created to work for you. Not only is client correspondence processed in this way, the system can be used with all your relevant business partners – insurers, car leasing agencies, expert witnesses, etc.
Comprehensive analysis and consultation are always the first step towards a trusting business relationship. This applies to the relationship between lawyer and client as well as the one between the law firm and the trusted supplier who optimises their digital processes. Smart IT solutions help law firms in times of legal tech and hashtag to compete at top level, and significantly accelerate business success. Digitisation? Absolutely!