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Prof. Yonatan Aumann
Professor, Department of Computer Science at Bar Ilan University

Yonatan Aumann is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Bar Ilan University. Aumann's research spans many subjects within the general field of the theory of computing, including machine learning, parallel and distributed algorithms, cryptography, approximation algorithms, pattern matching, parametrized complexity and more.

Contributions by the author in the LRZ

At first, the legal profession may seem more immune to this trend, as it is notorious for using complex language, incomprehensible to all but legal experts. Recently, however, it is becoming clear that AI is poised to make headway in this profession as well. Several studies have considered the potential areas in which AI technology can be beneficial and how this could transform the role of lawyers in delivering legal services.

While it is apparent that AI will be able to perform some legal tasks, it is universally assumed that the quality of the work will be inferior to that of humans, especially when compared to professional lawyers. Training, experience, professionalism, and tradition have convinced lawyers - and many of their clients — that manual labor ensures the best outcomes. But is it really so? Do trained lawyers necessarily outperform machines?

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